Thursday, March 25, 2010

In Storm and Sunshine March - Due Date June 1, 2010

If you are reading this assignment, allow me to say Congratulations for being in the first performance of the "Virtual 100" The purpose of this band is:
1. To strive for producing excellent tone quality in everything we play.
2. To represent our school and community in an excellent manner.
3. To share the love of music with future generations.
4. To maintain our band numbers to 100 warriors or more giving 100 percent.

Your assignment is to listen to this recording of In Storm and Sunshine. Describe your part in at least 250 words. Give the name of your instrument, the composer, the performing group, a comparison of the music to the listener's perception. How would you describe the melody? How much at home practice would it take to master this piece of music? What experience have you had practicing this music? Handwitten papers are to be neat with the proper heading and English writing mechanics. Misspelled words will not be tolerated. You must use your best handwriting. Illegible papers will not be graded. Typed papers should have the proper heading using 12 pt font Times New Roman. If the document is emailed, I recommend you use Word 2003 and 2007. You may want to obtain a read receipt with the email. This homework assignment is worth a test grade. The quality of your homework time spent on the assignment will determine the quantity of the Test grade. This assignment is due June 1, 2010.

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